I truly can NOT believe it’s been six months since my last entry (see BUSY IS MY THERAPY, 6/29/18). All this after planning on staying on top of my blogging. There truly has been a lot going on over these last six months. So much so, I kept a written log on what I’ve been doing in the way of the many different acts I’ve had the pleasure of performing with and I wanted to be sure to tell you about each one at my next opportunity….. whenever that would be. But, as Vin Scully (former Los Angeles Dodgers announcer) used to always say at a teams planned but failed attempt at a given play: ‘Ahhhh…...the best laid plans of mice and men’ often go awry.

I am still going to get you caught up as to these last six months with separate articles, beginning with tonight’s 2019 New Year celebration with NEXT MOVEMENT @ EASTSIDE CANNERY here in Las Vegas . That will defintely be a treat. If you have no plans for tonight yet and you want to see a dynamic vocal talent and party along with us as you bring in 2019, you don’t want to miss this. I’ll go backwards in my articles to June 2018 from there. It’ll be moreso for me than for you. But, I do hope you are interested. I’ll do my best to make it interesting.


I won’t bore you with any resolutions for 2019. I won’t talk. I’ll just do. Actions speak louder, right? I’ll do my best. And I hope you do the same. At least!

Meanwhile, my absolute best wishes to all……….and please stay tuned! Definitely great things to come!!